dijous, 17 de desembre del 2015

RABLEX,Stephen:Dino's Day in London.Easy Strats.Beginnevsevel.China1989(C)1989

Dino s day in london (easystarts): cassette
Main chactres ;Tommy Grat,Sam Rilly,Katy
Charecter:Tommy gart
Description:He's very friendly and clever he's a good taxi drive . He's hard-working.He's very nice with people .He's very calm.
Happens in teh story.
One day cal Tommy by telephone and he told.
Can you be at the Ruiz Hotel at 9 o'clock?He say:
Yes,but why?Because Gloria Brash is in LOndon and she needs to take care she's child and she works.
Then Tommy When  into teh hotel and he found the child taht he had to take care . They take taxi and he asks where do youwant to go? The cild he wanted a tour of  London.Then hey come nack to hotel and they found her mother.
I liked the book because London is my favourite town and this vocabulary is very easy. 

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