dijous, 27 d’octubre del 2016

PUIGPELAT,Fransesc:L'artilleria de Mrs .Smith.Bambú.Barcelona.2016(c)2016.Resultat d'imatges de l'artilleria de mr. smith
A mi no es que m'hagi agaradat molt aquest llibre pero una mica si que m'agradat.
Jo ho recomanaria a la gent que li agrada les histiries de guerres civils i tot aixo.

dijous, 20 d’octubre del 2016

WARING,Rob:Disappering World:Toolprint Reging Libra2001(c)2001.
Resultat d'imatges de disappring world Rob waring
I like this book beacause is very intersting and amazing.
This book talk about the world,natures ,forest.
I recomend this book because is very sorparsing.

dimecres, 19 d’octubre del 2016

SHIPTON,Vicky:America Life.Penguin2001 (c)2001.
Resultat d'imatges de american life vicky shipton
This book is my first book i read with English.It is very amazing because the book explain who is the life in the America and who is a pupolar sport,food,movies...
The popular sport in America is basketball and hockey.
The popular food in the America is a hot dog.
The one popular movies is Stra Words.
I recommend this becauseyou learn lot of thimgs of American.

dilluns, 17 d’octubre del 2016

FAIK,Stai:The Horse of Death:Oxford.Stories of Reading Circles Booksworms.Club Bronze Oxfrod 1993.
Resultat d'imatges de reading circles bookworms
This story is about one boy, his name is Unal, He is 8 years old .He was ill and has got measles.In his bedroom there was a window and throw the window  he can see a toy shop.Once he got up and saw a horse and this horse is a toy, he dressed and went to the toy shop.Unal acrossed the street,pushed the door and got in the shop.He saw the horse and hid behind th big boxes and got in the windows shop with horse and he rode the horse.Unal imaginated .he was in the cold water and then he imaginted the hot and yellow lights.His granmother get in the bedroom and saw Unal dissapeared and she found Unal in the toy shop rideing in the horse , he was dead.

Unal is a young boy ,he is 8 years old.He is friendly and he likes toys.He is very clever and he isn't calm.

I compare this story"Horse of Death" with a toy shop because in the "Horse of Death"here is a hores like toy shop.
I compare this"Horse of Death" with a hosptial because in the stroy Unal is into the bed like hospital.
Also I compare this stry"Horse of Death" with the children that like the toys like Unal.
Also comapre this story with the grandmother because Unal´s grandmother is friendly like grandmothers.
I compare this story with the children have fever and imagine strange things like Unal.

I didn't like the book because it's a tragedy story and I don't like this type of stories.

dijous, 13 d’octubre del 2016

GAIMAN,Nell:Caroline:Grup 62.Empuries2008(c)2009.
Resultat d'imatges de llibre coraline NEIL GAIMAN
A mi aquest llibre m'ha agradat molt perque es un comic i jo mia me llegir un comic pero ha sigut el comic més divertit que me llegit.Peró per una part també dona por perque la seva madrasstra estaba com poseida i tambe el seu pare.
Pero jo ho recomano.

dijous, 6 d’octubre del 2016

FIORE,Barbara:L'autobus de la Rosa.:Fabizio Silei.Barcelona.2012(c)2012
Resultat d'imatges de L'autbus de la rosa
A mi aquest llibre m'ha agradat molt perque es molt diferent als altres i t'ensenya a que no tens que obeir a la gent que no ho tendria que fer i que has de seguir al teu cor sense que ningu es posi al teu camí.

DELGADO FRANSESC,:JosepEndevina,endevinaras quin animal serás.Columna Xip.Barcelona1995 (c)1995
Resultat d'imatges de endevina endevinaras quin animal seras
Aquest libre que m'he lleguit es molt divertit per que es molt entretenit i cada endevinalla que llegeixas tens moltes ganas d'endivinarla .Jo no recomano per que esta adaptat a las nostres edats amb un vocabulari fácil d'entendre.

dilluns, 3 d’octubre del 2016

MONTOLIU,Lluis:Espases,Espases,Espases.:La Galera .Barcelona 1991(c)1991.
Resultat d'imatges de espasa
Aquest llibre va de un rei que sol volia fabrica espases perque tenia por de que hagues una guerra i els traballador hi ha estaban farts de fer espases i es van anar a queixar al rei i el rei va dir es la vostre feina lo que dic ho teniu que fer sino despedits.Sempre es queixaban fins que un dia el rei es va cansar i va decidir deixar el lloc de rei i van titular rei a una altre persona.
RIO ROMERO, M Pilar:L'ultim tren de vila xica.La Galera,Barcelona 1991(c)1991.
Resultat d'imatges de lutim tren de vila xica
BASSET,Jennifer:Omega File 349:Oxford.Stories for Reading Circles.Booksworms Clu Bronze.1992.
Resultat d'imatges de redings circles book worms bronze
 This story is abount two agents their names are Hawker and Jude and their boss Arla said"Your have investigate to man,,his name is Jhonny Cook, and he knows a story"
Hawker and Jude travelled to London and found Jhonny Cook in the club.
Then they went to a hotel and Jhonny Cook told the story . When Hawker and Jude knew stroy,they told the stroy to their boss  Arla ,and Arla said this is not true and Arla sau "Jhonny Cook dead, Jhonny Cook fell into the river Thames and boss sau"Forget it .This investigation is closed.

I compare this story with a book Sherlock Holms.Because in yhe story Omega File there are detectives Hawker and Jude and in the film Sherlocks Holms ,he is detective.
And Sherlocks Holms is a good detective like Hawker and Jude .
Sherlocks Holms investigation misterious cases and Hawker and Jude too.Hawker and Jude speake English like Sherlocks Holms.


I liked rhe book because its very intereting and a mistery book.
I recommend this book beacuse its very amazing.

 Hawker and Jude
They are agents ,they are clever and serious.They are very friendly with people.In this story Hawker and Jude are 25 yers old.They were very young.