GANGON,Michelle:Atrapats en la xarxa:Fanbooks.Fanbooks.Barcelona2014(c)2013
dijous, 17 de desembre del 2015
RABLEX,Stephen:Dino's Day in London.Easy Strats.Beginnevsevel.China1989(C)1989
Main chactres ;Tommy Grat,Sam Rilly,Katy
Charecter:Tommy gart
Description:He's very friendly and clever he's a good taxi drive . He's hard-working.He's very nice with people .He's very calm.
Happens in teh story.
One day cal Tommy by telephone and he told.
Can you be at the Ruiz Hotel at 9 o'clock?He say:
Yes,but why?Because Gloria Brash is in LOndon and she needs to take care she's child and she works.
Then Tommy When into teh hotel and he found the child taht he had to take care . They take taxi and he asks where do youwant to go? The cild he wanted a tour of London.Then hey come nack to hotel and they found her mother.
I liked the book because London is my favourite town and this vocabulary is very easy.
diumenge, 13 de desembre del 2015
El geperut i altres contes
ALDERSON,Brian ( adaptació) :El geperut i alters contes''Mil i una nits''.Vicens Vives.Cucanya.Barcelona.1987(C)2000
El conte que més m'ha agradat ha sigut ''La guineu i el llop''.Tracta d´una guineu que està cansada de que el llop sempre li digui què ha de fer i li prepara una trampa. Un dia el llop acaba caient pel forat i li demana ajuda a la guineu però ella no l´ajuda perquè diu que l´ha fet passar per moltes coses dolentes. Al final l´acaba ajudant i la guineu també cau dins del forat i el llop li diu que acabarà rebent per no haver-la ajudat abans. Després la guineu demana al llop que l´´ ajudi a sortir després ella l´ajudarà. Ell l´ajuda a sortir del forat i la guineu no ajuda al llop i es queda en el forat per sempre.
dijous, 10 de desembre del 2015
-LAIDLAW,Caroline:Countdown to Midnight.Heimen.New Wave.Oxford,1988.
Main characters:
Professor Carter,littel sister Vicky,Mother May,Koon
Charetcter:Joe Carter
Description:He's Frielndly and clever.He's very nice with people.He's very hard-working and he's calm with people and friends.
Happens in the story:
One day Joe Carter goes home and he fuond hid dad working.His dad every day is bury.One day Doctor Kerr comes his home Doctor Kerr is walk with if with dad and Joe's dad say go to your room.Joe is very angry .Later Joe's Dad go and Joe reserches ones notemystery and he gives the note to his friends . His friends read the note . His dad sundely is presoner.Brcause Doctor Kerr get codes or he'll kill is dautger .He's gives the codes . Later Joe and friends found Joe's dad and go home and they save the planet.
I liek the book because London is my favourte town and this vocabulary is veri easy.
Main characters:
Professor Carter,littel sister Vicky,Mother May,Koon
Charetcter:Joe Carter
Description:He's Frielndly and clever.He's very nice with people.He's very hard-working and he's calm with people and friends.
Happens in the story:
One day Joe Carter goes home and he fuond hid dad working.His dad every day is bury.One day Doctor Kerr comes his home Doctor Kerr is walk with if with dad and Joe's dad say go to your room.Joe is very angry .Later Joe's Dad go and Joe reserches ones notemystery and he gives the note to his friends . His friends read the note . His dad sundely is presoner.Brcause Doctor Kerr get codes or he'll kill is dautger .He's gives the codes . Later Joe and friends found Joe's dad and go home and they save the planet.
I liek the book because London is my favourte town and this vocabulary is veri easy.
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